Gary Choquette Executive Director Research Pipeline Research Council International
15059 Conference Center Drive, Suite #130
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PR-000-23COMP-R03 Pipeline Risk Management
Research Contractor
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The PRCI Technical Committees have carried out many research projects related to identifying and managing pipeline safety risks. Since not all studies sponsored by other industry groups (e.g., API, EPRG, APIA, etc.) or by individual pipeline companies are not included, this report does not represent a review of the topic in the broader industry-wide sense. Instead, it is designed to provide a guide to past work so that current PRCI members and its research contractors can identify and locate project reports that might be of use in understanding pipeline risk management. 

The PRCI Technical Committees have carried out many research projects related to identifying and managing pipeline safety risks. Since not all studies sponsored by other industry groups (e.g., API, EPRG, APIA, etc.) or by individual pipeline companies are not included, this report does not represent a review of the topic in the broader industry-wide sense. Instead, it is designed to provide a guide to past work so that current PRCI members and its research contractors can identify and locate project reports that might be of use in understanding pipeline risk management. 

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Research Category:
Technical Committee