VTDC - Virtual Technology Development Center

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Welcome. The VTDC is a virtual center for users to analyze data collected during physical testing to develop technology based solutions for operating problems in the energy pipeline industry. These databases allow utilization of data from completed multiple research projects. Standardized reports are included that use the combined data to streamline the process for the user to review results of common data in one location.

Note that PRCI members have free access to the data while their membership is active. Non-members can purchase access to some data sets. Purchased access is for a 1-year term from the date of purchase.

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    • Free download for members HERE.
      Release Date
      June 10, 2024
      Datasets of four different pipelines with pressures and flow rates measured at the inlet and outlet. The datasets include wide variations in flow and can be used to calibrate transient hydraulic modeling tools. Extracted from report L20010 Transient Flow of Gas.