Frequently Asked Questions

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Search FAQ

PostedTuesday, January 12, 2016

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    How do I start using PRCI Connect?
    To join PRCI Connect, you must be an authenticated user in the PRCI website. If you can log into this site, you are ready for to log into PRCI Connect. Use the same username and password that you have for the PRCI website.

    NOTE: If you need to create an account, click on the Join button at the top of the page. Register from there. Use your professional email address when setting up your account.

    For additional information, including helpful tips and tricks, download the PRCI Connect Account Set Up Instructions PDF which is only available to authenticated users.
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    How are research projects funded?
    Projects are funded via external cofunding, Research Bank funds, or supplemental funds. See the associated presentation for more details.
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    How did PRCI get started?
    PRCI was established in 1952 as the Pipeline Research Committee of the American Gas Association to address the problem of long-running brittle fractures in natural gas transmission pipelines. In substantially solving that problem within two years, the Committee demonstrated the benefit of industry collaboration and leveraging voluntary industry funding.
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    Where does the research funding come from?
    Every year, PRCI produces a collaborative research program aligning with the industry’s priorities by means of an annual voting ballot. Members allocate funds directly to programs of importance to their operations and business drivers. Please visit Funding Sources to learn more.
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    Who are PRCI’s members?
    PRCI's membership is comprised principally of companies that own and operate energy pipelines, including natural gas transmission and crude oil and petroleum products pipelines. Additionally, we offer Associate membership to companies that do not operate pipelines, but have a commitment to the energy pipeline industry and capabilities in technology transfer, particularly commercialization, to enable PRCI research to be deployed in the industry and the marketplace. Please visit the Membership section of our website to learn more.
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    Who does all the research?
    PRCI contracts research and development organizations for the execution of the PRCI research program. These organizations range from large, multi-discipline corporations and non-profit institutions to small, pipeline niche firms to major colleges and universities, both in the United States and around the world. Taken together, the scientists, analysts, technicians, and laboratory and testing facilities of its research contractors provide PRCI with a vast, diverse, world-class research asset base on which to develop the research solutions that serve the membership and the wider industry.
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    How do I become a member of PRCI?
    Please visit Inquire about Membership in the Membership section of our website to request details for joining PRCI.
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    How can I participate in PRCI if my company does not operate pipelines?
    Associate membership (AM) and Technical Program Associate membership (TPAM) is available to companies that do not operate pipelines, but have a commitment to the energy pipeline industry and capabilities in technology transfer, particularly commercialization. Associate Members’ capabilities enable PRCI research to be deployed in the industry and the marketplace.
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    What are the benefits of being a member?
    PRCI's Value Proposition is to use the leverage generated by our members’ resource contributions to create a research forum of ideas and results producing solutions that assure the safe, reliable, environmentally sound, and cost-effective pipeline transportation of energy to consumers worldwide. Because our operating model for research planning, execution, and deployment is founded on this Proposition, our members enjoy important benefits from their participation in PRCI across a spectrum of quantified benefits. These have been demonstrated, through formal benefit/cost studies of member participation, to yield consistently positive ratios in the range of 4:1 to 7:1, even as high as 25:1, from reduced costs of operations and maintenance, inspection, materials, design, construction, and testing. Visit our Benefits section to learn more.
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    Where can I find PRCI’s research findings?
    Reports and software are available to download in our Store. Please visit the Key Results section for highlights and key findings in our research.