Every year, PRCI produces a collaborative research program aligning with the industry’s priorities by means of an annual voting ballot. Members allocate funds directly to projects of importance to their operations and business drivers. PRCI is governed by an Executive Assembly, comprised of one voting representative from each Pipeline Member company, Pipeline Industry Organization member, and full Associate Member company. Of the Pipeline Member companies represented on the Executive Assembly, nine members are elected to serve on an Executive Board which also consists of the Chair, Vice Chair, and Immediate Past Chair of the Executive Assembly.
For more information: Please visit the Membership section of our website to learn more about the roles and benefits of each type of membership.
PRCI plans and develops research projects through Technical Committees (TCs). These committees are comprised of technical and operations experts from member companies. They are critical in developing and managing PRCI’s research and assure collaboration in identifying gaps and avoiding duplication.
For more information, please visit Technical Committees in the Research section of our website to learn more about each of our committees.
PRCI provides an experienced professional staff — with extensive experience in the energy pipeline industry or in related industries or fields of government — for contract and program management, meeting planning, and project administration.