History & Mission

Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI) is a tax-exempt, not-for-profit corporation comprised primarily of energy pipeline companies. PRCI was established in 1952 as the Pipeline Research Committee of the American Gas Association, and became an independent not-for-profit corporation in 2000. PRCI’s initial charter was to confront the problem of long-running brittle fracture in natural gas transmission pipelines. PRCI’s solution of that problem within two years demonstrated the impact and benefits of industry collaboration and the leveraging effect of voluntary funding. Although initially an organization focused solely on pipelines in North America, PRCI began to broaden its membership and technical perspectives beginning in 1980 with the membership of the Dutch pipeline operator, Gasunie. Today, PRCI is truly an international organization with many members from outside of North America.

First meeting

With the commitment and technical expertise of its members, PRCI continues to develop dynamic research programs devoted to identifying, prioritizing, and implementing the industry’s core research objectives. As a result, PRCI has become a critical resource for all energy pipelines regardless of where they operate, how they operate, or the purpose of their operation.

Unique among all pipeline research organizations, PRCI brings together leading pipeline companies from around the world to engage in a collaborative process that is truly “of, by and for” the industry.

PRCI’s Mission

Foster an international, industry-wide collaborative community that delivers innovative applied research, and develops the means for stakeholders to leverage/implement the research.

PRCI’s 2022-2024 Strategic Plan

Three initiatives will enable PRCI to enhance stakeholder engagement, influence, and outreach by delivering innovative solutions:

  1. Core Research – Enhance the adoptability/usability of Core Research to grow PRCI membership by 15%
  2. Technology Centers – Be the market leader for innovative solutions by leveraging real world samples to strength business operations
  3. Environmental Commitment – Be the primary research body for eliminating emissions and enabling emerging fuels transport and storage via the global pipeline network.