In an effort to enhance understanding of underground hydrogen storage (UHS), Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (“PRCI”) contracted C‑FER Technologies (1999) Inc. to perform an engineering assessment and literature review. The overall goal of the project is to provide PRCI with a five-year strategy to address the major technical challenges and knowledge gaps pertaining to UHS. This singular milestone has been divided into five tasks: (1) Current State-of-the-art (SOTA) for UHS; (2) UHS Gap Analysis; (3) Roadmap; (4) Roadmap Project List; and (5) Comprehensive Five-year Strategy....
In an effort to enhance understanding of underground hydrogen storage (UHS), Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (“PRCI”) contracted C‑FER Technologies (1999) Inc. to perform an engineering assessment and literature review. The overall goal of the project is to provide PRCI with a five-year strategy to address the major technical challenges and knowledge gaps pertaining to UHS. This singular milestone has been divided into five tasks: (1) Current State-of-the-art (SOTA) for UHS; (2) UHS Gap Analysis; (3) Roadmap; (4) Roadmap Project List; and (5) Comprehensive Five-year Strategy. This report is the deliverable for Task 5; however, the deliverables for Tasks 1 to 4 are included as sections of this report and are also available as stand-alone documents (as requested by PRCI).