This report describes the ultrasonic meter manufactures’ diagnostic ratios used to quantify operating changes and describes any major differences in how the meter design affects these ratios. These comparisons are summarized in a simple comparison table along with a table of manufacturer recommended diagnostic limits.
Manufacturer diagnostics reports have been added to the PRCI Ultrasonic Meter Test Results Database available on the VTDC. This database can be used for several purposes. Users can compare the extent to which different meter designs compensate for the arbitrary 3-dimensional...
Manufacturer diagnostics reports have been added to the PRCI Ultrasonic Meter Test Results Database available on the VTDC. This database can be used for several purposes. Users can compare the extent to which different meter designs compensate for the arbitrary 3-dimensional flow fields caused by flow disturbances. Users can also evaluate the ability of manufacturer diagnostic limits to identify when the disturbances exceed the meter’s compensation capabilities. And finally, the database provides the ability to compare the advantages of replacing the manufacture’s diagnostic with RSS risk diagnostics that monitor and report the same changes as statistical uncertainties that can be used to prioritize and action design and operating problems.