The objective of this project is to validate the existing mechanical damage (MD) assessment and management tools based on in-service field dents data provided by pipeline operators. The data provided included in-line inspection (ILI), dent geometry data, operating pressure history data and in-ditch inspection observations. The dent fatigue life analysis tools were developed on behalf of Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI), Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA), Canadian Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA), other research organizations and individual pipeline operators...
The objective of this project is to validate the existing mechanical damage (MD) assessment and management tools based on in-service field dents data provided by pipeline operators. The data provided included in-line inspection (ILI), dent geometry data, operating pressure history data and in-ditch inspection observations. The dent fatigue life analysis tools were developed on behalf of Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI), Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA), Canadian Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA), other research organizations and individual pipeline operators and are included in API Recommended Practice (RP) 1183 (1). Since the assembly of API RP 1183, PRCI has continued its mechanical damage strategic research priority in the development of a greater understanding of the behavior of mechanical damage and the production of data to support engineering assessment.
The research work included the following series of tasks:
- Collect and collate mechanical damage field data provided by various pipeline operators.
- Implement the fatigue life screening and assessment approaches using the provided dent geometry and pressure loading data.
- Validate the fatigue life assessment results against the in-ditch inspection data. The data included presence of through wall cracks in dents resulting in leaks, location of surface cracks within dents and co-incident features like welds, corrosion, or gouges.