Leadership Development

Member Company Employee Development Through PRCI

Investing in talent development is crucial for any organization, and PRCI offers a unique platform for this purpose. The focus on cutting-edge technology makes membership a valuable resource for industry professionals looking to upgrade their skills. PRCI's programs offer pathways for expertise enhancement, leadership development, and networking within the industry.

Through initiatives like employee development, active participation in committees, and structured learning at the PRCI Academy, members gain practical experience and industry connections. 

Leadership Development Pathway

Active Participation & Volunteering

This experience fosters valuable industry connections, enhances collaborative skills, provides practical experience in driving initiatives, and improves presentation and leadership capabilities through active committee involvement.

PRCI provides clear pathways for leadership roles, including project leadership and executive positions, allowing members to influence policy and governance. PRCI’s standing committees facilitate diverse opportunities for involvement, promoting research excellence, and strategic thinking.

Project & Technical Committee Leadership

The focus is on driving technical excellence in pipeline research, managing research projects, establishing industry standards and best practices, and promoting collaboration among member companies.

  • Project Team Leader - A member company’s delegate submitting a research idea is deemed the idea champion. When the research idea is funded and converted to a project, the idea champion is the default Project Team Leader. The team leader provides regular updates to the committee and introduces the resulting webinar, with potential presentation opportunities at workshops, the annual Research Exchange (if selected), or other external events.
  • Committee Voting Member – PRCI operates under the rule of one vote per company. Your committee voting member is the representative for your company, voicing the company’s opinions and concerns. The voting member is responsible for casting votes on behalf of the company at committee meetings and votes on all committee project recommendations for final deliverables (publish internally or for public sale).
  • Committee Vice Chair – PRCI needs member companies to volunteer to take on committee leadership that help drive and facilitate the entire committee teams. All committee leadership meets with the RSC annually in the fall to support strategic direction and execution. This role is a one-year term appointed by the committee chair.
  • Committee Chair - The committee chair leads a committee, coordinates with the Research Steering Committee, and reports up to the Executive Assembly.  All committee leadership meets with the RSC annually in the fall. This elected position is a one-year term, limited to four consecutive terms
  • SRP Champion – The SRP Champion develops and/or leads a Strategic Research Priority and associated critical industry-wide strategic research projects through the life of the effort.  This role has many opportunities to present results and status updates at a variety of PRCI events.

Executive Leadership

The Executive Assembly elects representatives to serve on the Executive Board and Research Steering Committee, approves changes to the corporate Bylaws, approves subscription fees, allocates resources to the annual budget and research portfolio, sets qualifications for membership, and has the authority to dismiss a member company.

  • Executive Assembly Member – This is an appointed position for Pipeline Members (PM), Pipeline Industry Organizations (PIO), Associate Members (AM) only.

The Executive Board approves corporate policies, has fiduciary responsibility, recommends and ensures execution of the research objectives to the Executive Assembly, and oversees corporate operations.

  • Executive Board Member – This is an elected position for Pipeline Members (PM) and Associate Members (AM) only. Elected by the Executive Assembly from nominations from the Board’s Nominating Committee, Executive Board members serve a three-year term.
  • Executive Board Vice Chair – This is an elected position for Pipeline Members (PM) only. This is a leadership position on the Executive Board, elected by the Executive Assembly for a two-year term, which is followed by promotion to Executive Board Chair for two years, then immediate past chair position for two years.
  • Executive Board Chair – This position is an automatic promotion from Executive Board Vice Chair and is for Pipeline Members (PM) only. As the highest level of leadership within PRCI, the Executive Board Chair presides at meetings of the Executive Board and brings deserving matters to the attention of the Executive Board and Executive Assembly.

Standing Committee Opportunities

PRCI maintains several key committees that provide diverse opportunities for professional growth and industry contribution:

Audit & Finance Committee: Responsibility for reviewing the finances and financial controls of the corporation, including establishing and overseeing financial policies, approving the annual audit, and making recommendations to the Board concerning such matters. Appointed by the Executive Board Chair, these members are selected from the Executive Board and Executive Assembly. The term coincides with that of the Executive Board Chair.

Nominating Committee - Responsibility for preparing slates of candidates for the various positions, elected Executive Board Members, and committee members as set out in the Corporate Bylaws. Appointed by the Executive Board Chair and approved by the Executive Board, members are selected from the Executive Board, accompanied by additional members at the Chair’s discretion. The term is one year.

Research Steering Committee (RSC): Guides research strategy and portfolio.

  • RSC Member – RSC members are elected to three-year terms by the Executive Assembly from nominations of the Board’s Nominating Committee. The RSC leads the research strategy and upholds the research objectives for PRCI. RSC members also provide oversight in the development and recommendation of Strategic Research Priorities. The RSC meets with the full committee leadership annually in the fall.
  • RSC Vice Chair – Elected by the Research Steering Committee members, the vice chair serves a three-year term and provides support to the chair. There is no automatic progression to the chair position. The RSC meets with the full committee leadership annually in the fall.
  • RSC Chair – Elected by the Executive Assembly, the chair presides at Research Steering Committee meetings. The RSC meets with the full committee leadership annually in the fall. Three-year term. 

Begin your development journey by becoming an active participant in this transformative community.