This project details the methodologies used to collect and review crack failures, near misses and false positives, and how the available technologies are used in consideration of the CM-SRP pillars of crack (1) susceptibility, (2) inspection, (3) assessment and remediation, and (4) management.
This project outcome enhances crack management by providing an independent review and understanding of the research gaps as they relate to cracking in pipelines, based on historic incidents, operator interviews, and subject matter expert opinions.
The scope of work consisted of developing future...
The scope of work consisted of developing future research guideline suggestions through the following tasks: * Task 1 – Collection and review of publicly available reports, * Task 2 – Collection and review of PRCI member incident reports and operator interviews, * Task 3 – Compilation of root causes for historic crack-related pipeline incidents, * Task 4 – Categorization of root causes within the CM-SRP, and * Task 5 – Identification of research gaps in the CM-SRP.
This report provides more details about the research suggestions, and cross-references them with the core priorities as outlined in CM-SRP report “Pathway to Achieving Efficient and Effective Crack Management,” as well as the future research project ideas that have been submitted to PRCI four CM-SRP pillars.
This report has a related Webinar.